2008年9月10日 星期三

棋盤 - new chess arrangement


Now They want Double officially become Local Sale, I heard them tell her no need obey Tina directly. Double is not Tina's assistance anymore. They are printing her name card and giver her own cell number .

talking about cell no. company would like to issue a company own's cell phone card to them .

There is something wrong in this adjustment, somethings are being sacrifice secretly.

See Tina is one of the crucial person in company. The give her an assistance(s) first, and she is like training this person to eat up her own position. They should give her a title , this is the right way to treat her . and then she deserves a title, if she cant fit the title , then she would

we are printing name card. I truly think i would like to have both chinese side/english side name card, but they insist i only need English side for overseas market, so when i go out with them, they actually dont expect much except for company i guess.

Now they also have Emma attending meetings with them. they are printing her name card. Chinese/ English Name card on both sides. She is a new chest, so they put her wherever they want to her to function, but this is good oppertunity for her , and i think this is exactly what Emma want. Soon enough she would become another Double.

如果你不主動爭取自己的權利 你不要求頭銜 你不要求加薪 老闆就會裝傻, 理所當然的剝削你的能力 不要無怨無悔 也不要步求回報 因為老闆們也沒有這麼大的胸襟把每一分付出都看得這麼重 老闆們一定等到非給要給的時候 才會心不甘情不願的給你一點 不會感激你為公司做了這麼多事情  因為他們覺得有付你薪水, 姑且不論那份薪水夠還是不夠 反而, 他們只會怕你越來越厲害 然後趕快找人來分擔你的權力 預防你政變.  

就是這樣 Politics

Whats my irreplacable stregnth ? I have many oppertunity before, all the oppertunity is with me, just do my job well, im not trying to block her,

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