A cute song , simple and catchy that no matter which crowd you belong to, the hip ones, the quiet ones, the local ones, the exported overseas ones , as long as you are chinese or from HK ,
you'll notice this is the must order song in HK KTV ! Its maily one sentance, 'Im acb, no matter which angle you look, vertically, horizontally , i am an ABC '
the official one is here on youtube ^^ -->
guess its been out for a long while but cute and classic. shared with video.
Yo check it check it check it out 聽住啦
First name Jin 即係我中文名 立字做個青字 睇清楚個頸
無論係後生仔或是係老餅 多謝你支持 真係唔easy
一個 ABC 要照清楚塊鏡 佢哋想知點解啲中文會咁正
係咪有個補習老師 not me 由細到大我睇慣TVB
新紮師兄 梁朝偉真係有型 歡樂今宵 何B同鄭裕玲
日頭猛做就無得停 點講都好 最緊要係你明
ABC係我係我 橫睇點睇都係我 無錯無錯 ABC係我係我 ABC係我係我
橫睇點睇都係我 無錯無錯 ABC係我係我
你駛鬼理我邊到出世 只要我有料 一張出世紙點可以做代表
我問你做竹昇有乜嘢咁失禮 就算我係 你都咪當我食塞米
唔覺唔覺係美國住咗24年 我今年24歲真係無乜變
時間過得真係太快 好似無幾耐我先至7歲 飲緊維他奶
如果我真係扮我大晒 有怪莫怪 當我細路仔唔識世界
你根本會唔知如果我唔出聲 所以我今次一定要喺度話俾你聽
ABC係我係我 橫睇點睇都係我 無錯無錯 ABC係我係我 ABC係我係我
橫睇點睇都係我 無錯無錯 ABC係我係我
你話我唔係正宗唐人 Who are you
啲鬼佬睇我又咪係黃皮膚 雖然我哋環境係兩個唔同世界
但係分別好少 你唔好踩得就踩 八月十五同中秋節
舊曆新曆根本就無分別 新年流流咪又係逗吓利是
飲吓茶打幾圈 唔係嘅咪鋤 Dee 歐陽靖究竟係邊個
你真係想知 最清楚係我 簡單唻講 三個字 邊三個
You know that’s me
2008年12月17日 星期三
2008年12月7日 星期日
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