2009年3月24日 星期二

big beliver of persistence~ it might not takes a immediate effect, important things is to make sure the decision making is moving toward the right direction,

2009年2月27日 星期五

Because they are Indians~ Storires you would only heard from india .

Like I often said.. Indians are the most absurd, last minute people of one could ever imagine.

For one, they like to push you to the edge. If they did not, then you would be surprised at the last minute in a least expected way. Just while you were thininking 'finally everything is on right track this time..' With them, you would always have to be wild awake. Oh you better be! Make sure you are highly alert to the extend that you can actually count how many nerves you have.

Here are 6 stories to share :

- On February 20th 2009 Mumbai Times Cover News.
Domestic Airline Goindigo (Go Indi Go) found there was a wheel broken just before landing,

they fixed it in the air.

- Just before that few months back

An Indian helicopter landed right on the track of one full-speed escalating flight that carries 153 pass angers while its getting ready to take off.

of course, they passed each other safely ... Because they are Indians.

-They horn every 5 seconds while driving, horn while they pass, horn while to be passed, horn to warn, horn to be warned, they just horn for horn's sake ' you had some horny driver..' said one of my Dubai customer over the phone.

why? oh you know why? Because they drove like BUMPER CARS! There are lanes on the road, but guess what?! No one follows! they drove to the left they drove to the right, they squeeze into middle, they wiggled to pass, they are scared, but they are also scary.

When they miss the intersection they are supposed to turn, no big deal, they just reverse back directly.

Did i mention my friend Jatin once left the car in the middle of road to check some parking spots ?

- Wide Range of time

'Chloris , 9 o'clock sharp tomorrow I'll pick you up' right...sharp your head.

AM9;35 i finally got into his car for 10:30 am flight.
'oh its the traffic~' they always said.

Take my advise :
When they say I'll be right there, that means you can find a place to sit down, finish reading your newspaper, and take a nap while you get bored. Cause by the time you wake up, they show up.

-The 9 Oscar Awards Winning movie 'One Million Dollar Baby (Name to be confirmed )' was shot in a disgussted hell hole slump of Mumbai that you would never want to visit... even if one pay you a million dollar

I had to turn down the proud, keen invitation from two dear indian friends while we drove pass by the neighborhoods. 'Isnt that amanzing, Chloris? ' - said A,

'Yes....' and im astonished.... by the look of thousand-year-old dirty clothes pile up tent... ok, they acutally called that a house?

- My freind Jatin, finally fired one employee becuase his driking problem.

' well.. I had to. He didnt know the machine was on fire while he was fixing it.'

Oh Indians ~ those Indians...

2009年1月2日 星期五


Project Name: 重回樂生 ~ 樂生回憶錄

2004那年爺爺 . 76 歲 ..(吧?), 不敢確切記得 那沉默寡言的 我的爺爺倒底幾歲 因為我太愛戴他太尊敬他, 恐懼他被無情的光陰吞噬...

' 我出去走走 ..' 爺爺用台語 孱弱的說. 他們說 爺爺已前在樂生 大家開玩笑叫他做 --亞洲鐵人

那是那個七月每天下午三點半左右 爺爺 要說的話, 他, 要到教會附近走走 , 他要出去(樂生)看看.

我擔心卻不敢說, 自尊心強的爺爺 我76歲的爺爺 患有巴金森氏症 , 和心瓣膜閉合不全 手已顫抖 步已蹣跚 步伐細碎 身已躬屈 卻 絕不要人攙扶, 走斜坡已是吃力 何況是那將近45分鐘的路程 爺爺只願意戴上那把奶奶買給他的傘作手杖  因為拐杖給人看到了不好 然後戴上帽(那頂招牌咖啡色水手帽) 準備出發, 他不要人陪, 不要人跟 這是他自己的活動 他說.

'爺爺我跟你去散步!' ~如此便可以挽著他的 對爺爺來說我的表現是祖孫的親暱不是幫助. 靈機一動 我展現我對散步的高度興趣'


爸媽說 去爺爺奶奶教會做禮拜吧 ~ '好!'
姑姑說 除了教會以外的地方 不可亂走喔~ ! '為什麼?'
表姊說 這裡附近欄杆不能亂摸 '為什麼? ' 因為有痲瘋病 '痲瘋病 那是甚麼?'
劉弟說 '你騙人' 我說 '只有聖經故事才有麻瘋病啦姊姊 都過了好幾千年了' 

那個秘密 那些故事 是被包裝的如此完整 被密封的如此徹底 ..

樂生療養院 那曾經滋養他們的根 也是他們一輩子的痛 他們離不開它 卻選擇在痛苦中 尋求茁壯 成長.

                                  to be continued~

For me
scene two Reminder : 蘑菇燈 大陸 拆 

走斜坡已是吃力 何況是那將近45 分鐘的路徑. 但是爺爺就是堅持這麼屹立 就像在過去的他擁有到最後一秒也不放棄的勇敢


還好~我是孫女 我可以選擇撒嬌 ! '我跟你去!!'

