2011年8月11日 星期四

The Art of Taking and Receiving – Bribery in Chinese Culture

Scenario 1

‘’ I need a camera for a friend’s daughter’s birthday gift, may you get me one? ” The regional sales manager receive a text message right after the deal was done. She gave me a smile and we texted back ‘’ Ok. “
We’ll assume the camera is of course for himself, but to save the superficial thank you etc. awkward embarrassment, that’s just say, save your breath, hold your peace and take it, Therefore We watched in the car , and had our driver delivered the camera to him. No fuss, no hustle, drop to the hand and goodbye.

Scenerio 2.

We talked about how one of our competitor overwhelmingly owned the crowned of the top 1 regional govement highlighted sponsor list.
To receive the whole entire government official frequently from airport pick up , dinner, karaoke drink blue label, post karaoke (usually each of them bring a plus one to hotel), then breakfast .. quite often at least 5 times each month.

Usually at the dinner table, there would be a thick envelope placed at each seat, no words need to said, each guest knows how to take care of the envelope ( take and seal the lips) if words had been spoken the answer would be as such , there are some define tea in the bag, please enjoy. Yeah , Aint any leaf in the bag, but a lot of paper money bills with heads and eyes of the President Mao.

Scenario 3 .

A female friend of my friend was chased after a civil servant who works in domestic real estate department, the guy, of course owns a house, and an extra resort house under family name. He say he had three cars , one he drove, the other two was gifts, one stays in the not dare to drive out because its too expensive, the other was a less expensive version in rectification of the last gift.

Thanks & Regards


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