2011年1月18日 星期二

沒有氣力了 ~ 又掉進那個沼澤裡~
那個充滿恨意 及無力感的沼澤~

怎麼辦~ 現在工作到一半 好想就take the day off. 衝出去大哭, 離開事故現場
可惜旅行對我來說 ~已不是出口 ~ 再也無法給予興喜的感覺
想著要逃~ 又有甚麼地方是適合一顆下沉的心?

羅馬吧 灰色的石頭, 冷酷生硬的 就像你 .

西班牙吧 陽光普照 ~ 卻無法雀躍

只想拿杯熱可可 蜷在沙發上 看 一場好電影 發呆..

那天靚突然打了電話給我 告訴我一番 成事在天的道理 盡了力 , 只能聽天命 .

好像到了適婚年紀了 ~ 卻無法想像跟誰真的結了婚 只想傻傻的幻想跟你生了兩個小孩 一男一女~ 白的可愛 ~ 黑的倔強 ~ 我想所以無法成就的愛情 都是美麗的悲劇吧 ~ 不是悲觀 只是悵然 ..

連哭 都顯得費力.

怎麼了 我又來了

2011年1月17日 星期一

When the moment pops up.. cant stop hating you.

[下午 01:55:16] Chloris: 我很難原諒你
[下午 01:55:20] Chloris: 因為你辜負我們的愛
[下午 02:09:22] Chloris: im struggling on the hatred towards you every fcking@# single day .
[下午 02:09:40] Chloris: why you ever being such of a person who gave up ?
[下午 02:09:42] Chloris: and quit?
[下午 02:25:54] Chloris: 你在我的心中 就是那個辜負愛情的人
[下午 02:26:18] Chloris: 我們以前所有一起經歷的 一起共同數算的
[下午 02:26:38] Chloris: 在你心中就是這麼容易 過一天忘一天
[下午 02:26:51] Chloris: 一起去的地方
[下午 02:26:59] Chloris: 一起過的日子
[下午 02:27:01] Chloris: 好像你
[下午 02:27:08] Chloris: 也不在懷念
[下午 02:27:15] Chloris: 所以你是誰?
[下午 02:28:09] Chloris: 曾經說好要一起走下去
[下午 02:28:14] Chloris: 的你 就走了 
[下午 02:28:19] Chloris: 不是辜負是甚麼?
[下午 02:28:25] Chloris: 還有你說的那些心結
[下午 02:28:27] Chloris: 根本
[下午 02:28:35] Chloris: 就是可以慢慢談 慢慢去化開的
[下午 02:28:38] Chloris: 在愛情裡
[下午 02:28:41] Chloris: 誰沒有犯錯
[下午 02:28:50] Chloris: 你不也把我孤單的丟在大街上?
[下午 02:29:00] Chloris: 你不也讓人活在苦痛之中?
[下午 02:29:02] Chloris: 我犯錯
[下午 02:29:05] Chloris: 你就沒有錯
[下午 02:29:16] Chloris: 愛情之中 沒有一定誰是誰的罪人
[下午 02:29:22] Chloris: 可是有包容 有悔改 ..
[下午 02:29:29] Chloris: 有體諒 
[下午 02:29:49] Chloris: 不是嗎?

it was you, who are being the quitter, it was you whom took off. it was you whom betrayed our commitment, it was you who let go.

It was you. i hate you so bad...

I hate you.

2011年1月12日 星期三

* 幸福 * ~ Content.

~ 發現自己 快樂很多

快樂 原來是不需要等待人家來供給 不需要奢求對方跟你一起開始, 一起分享 ,而是透過生活去感受,或者自己創造的。 

幸福是一種狀態,不是追求,現在的我,開始滿足生活中的點滴 ~ 並且珍惜能夠一起分享的人。  

Roy 隨便丟的幾個愚蠢笑話 就讓我大笑很久, 那一刻就是幸福。


看場電影,還是容易為劇情牽動,提醒我不管發生甚麼事還是有顆善感,易動容的純真, 這也是幸福。



比起之前曾經以為擁有了, 卻總是孤單等待結果的那種空虛 ~ 好似踏實多了。



2011年1月2日 星期日

Relationship Modes.

As that issues of relationship pop up recently in discussion, i found that there are indeed several different modes which is not way beyond my imigination, but way over my expetation.

- This week , I met X @ Cafe , A friend's friend. A western originated Taiwnese Resident who was into a thing, call 'open relationship.'

how open is that , when he is dating someone , his gf can still playaround, and getting involved with others (for f#)(*$) , as long as his gf is good to him mentally and physically satify him, plus no string attached to other guy. It's not news i know, but just he seemed far more confident into what he is beliveing in that i found myself couldnt really argue with him, he said, kid , obviously your 'one and only' theory had fail this time remebered? you dated someone who is not committed enough to you, so might as well enjoy and play alone the way....

' Fine, hold on... no judgments ' I said , after his long blablabla.. X finally zipped when i lift up my both hands .

Then later on Mr. A told me when help to trouble shooting my phone.... He looked up and said.

' ....or you can marry one of your friends ... like my co-worker did, they were happily married, and just start dating now after marriage..." Then there is this awkward pause for 10 seconds..

'.......What ...stop looking at me ! '

'Fine.. im just joking around. i already dated my gf for 3 years.. you know that. '

Anyways, there are different ways to stay happily together. methods / approaches in to acheive the a stautus of a happy relationship.

C'est la Vie. (Do i even spell right) I mean, as you like.