2011年1月2日 星期日

Relationship Modes.

As that issues of relationship pop up recently in discussion, i found that there are indeed several different modes which is not way beyond my imigination, but way over my expetation.

- This week , I met X @ Cafe , A friend's friend. A western originated Taiwnese Resident who was into a thing, call 'open relationship.'

how open is that , when he is dating someone , his gf can still playaround, and getting involved with others (for f#)(*$) , as long as his gf is good to him mentally and physically satify him, plus no string attached to other guy. It's not news i know, but just he seemed far more confident into what he is beliveing in that i found myself couldnt really argue with him, he said, kid , obviously your 'one and only' theory had fail this time remebered? you dated someone who is not committed enough to you, so might as well enjoy and play alone the way....

' Fine, hold on... no judgments ' I said , after his long blablabla.. X finally zipped when i lift up my both hands .

Then later on Mr. A told me when help to trouble shooting my phone.... He looked up and said.

' ....or you can marry one of your friends ... like my co-worker did, they were happily married, and just start dating now after marriage..." Then there is this awkward pause for 10 seconds..

'.......What ...stop looking at me ! '

'Fine.. im just joking around. i already dated my gf for 3 years.. you know that. '

Anyways, there are different ways to stay happily together. methods / approaches in to acheive the a stautus of a happy relationship.

C'est la Vie. (Do i even spell right) I mean, as you like.
