2010年12月31日 星期五

Heart-Breaking. Delete

Today is the saddest day of the year. 2010 12. 31.

knowing that I must delete you from my life..

knowing that i must forget about you...

because we will never be together...

knowing that you hated me to be around.

knowing that we had screw up .

昨日 我還允許自己耽溺在我們曾經擁有的美好回憶裡

那美好的畫面~ 你說你想我住香港多一點

說我愛都市生活 喜歡買東西又愛熱鬧,

其實我也告訴朋友 我去香港好一點, 男生在自己熟悉的地方總是多些資源,

況且估你在台灣住一輩子 恐怕也是住不慣的 , 頂多像你說的 老了 存了錢 回台灣開民宿.

想著我們曾經拿著地鐵圖 研究以後住哪裡好 ~ 沙田嗎 其實也可以接受, 你說.

This and that... need to delete,

need to erase the vision,

need to say goodbye to you , the one i had really been seriously consider as life partner.

you said that we will never be together , so i need to delete you from my life,

It hurts so much, cant breath ...
